Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What I Should Have Bought - Take 2

I began What I Should Have Bought last year as a log of some of the food items I had recently purchased. The overly pessimistic premise was that, new products would catch my eye, and I would purchase them, only to be ultimately disappointed. Then, I would suggest what I should have purchased instead. Frequently, that item would be either a pouch of dried figs or prunes, two of nature's best candies.

I didn't give this poor blog a fair shot before, but I'm hoping to resurrect it with a slightly different bent. While What I Should Have Bought 1.0 emphasized reviews of foodstuffs, WISHB 2.0 will include all sorts of items that I have purchased. Reviews will namely be for new and noteworthy products; items I have purchased that I really enjoyed; and/or items that, for whatever reason, I would like to criticize (whether because I didn't like the product itself or because of some specific aspect I want to discuss, e.g. packaging). It's very likely that I will even review certain extraordinary or extraordinarily awful restaurants, stores, and services: anything on which money is spent and people are dealt with. What I Should Have Bought: the answer will still probably be figs.

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